Entries by BBC News

Will the new Parliament pass the smoking bill?

The smoking bill was not passed before Parliament was dissolved ahead of the general election.

‘I embrace my alopecia, but I’d love my old hair back’

People living with alopecia could have access to treatment on the NHS in Scotland for the first time.

‘There are loads of people that vape at school’

A group of teenagers in Fife have been making a documentary about the impact of disposable vapes.

Sunak reveals he fasts at beginning of the week

The PM says he tries to fast at the start of the week so he can indulge in his “weakness for sugary things” on other days.

UK Covid inquiry comes to Scotland… in 90 seconds

The BBC's Kirsten Campbell outlines what can be expected during three weeks of evidence held in Edinburgh.

How much do junior doctors really get paid?

The BBC asked two junior doctors in England to show us their payslips and reveal their salaries.

How much do junior doctors really get paid?

The BBC asked two junior doctors in England to show us their payslips and reveal their salaries.

Watch out for heat exhaustion and heatstroke

Know the signs and what to do if someone is unwell in hot weather.

What does hot weather do to the body?

What impact do high temperatures have on our bodies?

Are weight-loss injections the answer to obesity?

The appeal is clear - but should we be turning to appetite-suppressing injections?